
Design a museum exhibit so that visitors can get an engaging and educational experience across several media platforms. As a team, come up with the museum name and style. Create each exhibition individually.


Augmented Reality is the topic of this exhibition, which is part of a museum with other exhibitions revolving technology. The goal of this museum and exhibition is to showcase how technology can improve everyday life. This exhibition was named Expand Reality, because what augmented reality does, is indeed expand our reality. Expand Reality was designed using a modern and minimal design language with a heavy focus on AR interaction. This also helps keep the futuristic and modern feel of the museum as a whole.

Banner ad created by Roberto Vergara for museum as a whole.

Expand Reality Outline

  • Marker based augmented reality

    Markerless/Location based augmented reality

    Superimposition based augmented reality Projection based augmented reality

    Using AR in everyday life

    History of augmented reality

  • Using AR in everyday life

    Statistics and facts about augmented reality

    History of augmented reality

  • Learn about and use marker based augmented reality.

    Use projection based augmented reality to show kids the physical world vs what is possible with AR.

    Use superimposition augmented reality to learn how AR makes shopping easier.

  • Try out marker based augmented reality (visual and kinetic learning)

    - Visitors will be able to walk around this section and use their phones to point at certain markers in the info-graphics and pull up more information about the topic or images.

    Bring Your Imagination to Life! With projection based AR. (visual and kinetic learning) FOR KIDS

    - Kids, and gaurdians if they want, will be able to sit down and draw on a piece of paper whatever they wish to bring to life.

    - When done, using provided iPads and software, users can scan the piece of paper, move objects around on screen to where they like it.

    - Kids can stand in front of camera to take a picture with whatever they chose to bring to life, and truly see themselves in their imagination.

    - This will show the limitations in the physical world vs the possibilities of augmented reality.

    Use superimposition augmented reality to learn how to shop with AR.

    - User will learn how AR significantly enhaces shopping

    - Users will be able to emulate furniture shopping

    - Will also show how AR can be used with other shopping categories.


Activity One

Marker Based AR Info-graphics

Activity Two

Projection Based Kids Activity

Activity Three

Superimposition based, shopping activity


End of first exhibition, materials and instruction to prepare for the rest of the museum experience.


Dog House