Best in UX/UI Award - AIGA Pin-Up 2023

Best in UX/UI Award - AIGA Pin-Up 2023 〣

Tyro’s mission is to make lives of newcomers to Atlanta easy by providing an all in one app where users can join groups, view events happening within their interests, and meet/join others at those events to start building a community within Atlanta’s diverse culture.

Tyro aims to make users feel right at home while also providing safety features so that everyone feels safe as they meet new people and explore what Atlanta has to offer.

What is Tyro?

Check out this early prototype of Tyro! For a better experience, test the interactive demo on desktop, mobile may have issues occasionally.

Below is a video demo of Tyro in action!

App Demo

App Advertising

Tyro advertises events, things to do, community, and culture, aiming to include all newcomers in established Atlanta activities. The events depicted in all advertisements will be easily accessible within the app.

Tyro also advertises the app itself by calling out certain features using the same design language.

All advertisement must include The Circle as a portal, where the viewer can peak into promoted content.

Most advertising will take place on social media stories, including Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. These same animated advertisements will appear on tik tok feeds and YouTube.

Brand Guidelines


Barclays, Powering Possible
